Tuesday, May 10, 2005

I no long feel bad about my mediocre house-keeping skills

Found this over at Kate's place. I often feel a bit guilty because I didn't get the OCD trait of keeping my house sparkling clean at all times. I know several people (most of my friends, my sister) who have this skill/disorder (whichever applies). I always measure my own motivation and success by their standard. NO MORE! Now I will remember this house and think my house is amazing!


Unknown said...

Hi! Thanks for commenting on my blog. Except for my being a conservative you sound like we have a lot in common. Our boys are almost the same age, but I think yours may be a bit bigger. Mine's pretty big too. You can see from my post the other day that my housekeeping skills are not the most wonderful either. I do keep things fairly tidy, just not sparkling.

ieatcrayonz said...

Ugh, that was very eye opening, RHM. I know some people like that and people who have several self storage units to boot.

True Jersey Girl said...

I saw that too...but I have never cared if I was a "good" housekeeper or not. Just cuz I am the "girl" doesn't mean the house is totally my responsiblity! Although, if it got to the point of that picture, I think Hub might have a good argument.