Sunday, May 08, 2005

Phew! I'm home.

Well, after an exciting, but busy weekend, we have returned home once again. Moments of interest included: being awoken around 3am by my son Saturday morning, banana pancakes later on Saturday morning, going to a party with a bunch of people I'd only heard about before, jumping on a trampoline after ingesting a Captain and Coke (sorry, no one took pictures of me, but I have one of my buddy Pete)and landing on my neck with my body vertically above me...Twice (my chiro's gonna love that!), getting home after midnight and finally crawling in bed only to be awoken at 3am by my crazy, sleep-through-the-night-refusing son, and again at 5:30 am. ugh...not sure if that was the growth spurt from earlier this week or the fact that he never seems to sleep through the night when we are at our buddies, the Aldermans. or, it could be teeth again, who REALLY knows? All I know is, I can't imagine how people who are actually heavy drinkers handle the whole parenting thing...because after two nights more of that 3 am crap, I've about had it. More alcohol would have completely done me in. I'm barely functioning as it is....

Our buddies who we stayed with have a daughter who is six months older than The Boy. We have married them off already in a mad attempt to be truly related to one another. hehe....see The Boy's page for pictures of the little sweethearts. Hm....I think that's it...ugh..soo tired.


ieatcrayonz said...

Happy belated Mother's Day, by the way RHM.

True Jersey Girl said...

Sounds like a fun and tiring weekend!

Unknown said...

For a Babywise mom, how come your kid isn't sleeping through the night?? I thought mine took too long compared to the book, but he's been doing awesome since about 4 -5 months old.

Denise B. said...

Oh, he's been going through a growth spurt and I think getting more teeth, and we were at someone else's house.....I'm blaming it mostly on the first and last things. He's actaully been sleeping through the night since seven weeks. He's always been a good night sleeper, and so when he does wake up, it's usually for a good reason, and definitely not normal.