Tuesday, September 20, 2005

And still climbing....

As I mentioned before, The Boy has picked up climbing as his new hobby. Not only is he climbing, but he understands how to put object next to eachother so as to use them as a climbing apparatus. For instance: this afternoon while we were in our basement, he was in his play yard. Next to it are some of my husbands file cabnets of music (he's a choir teacher). While I was doing computer stuff, my son pushed his Leap Frog Learning Table up against the side of the play yard, and put his box of Peek-a-Blocks next to it, and when I turned to glance at him, he was dangling....supported by one hand that had reached up to the top drawer of the filing cabinet, and the opposite foot that was still on the learning table. I was too alarmed to take a picture. What a little monkey.

Marty, I AM a little scared, more than a little, actually.

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