Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Better Late Than Never

Well, after a slight panic over whether Isaac would actually wear the gorgeous Buzz costume that Paw Paw and Shoop got him, after I'd run out in the same slight panic and bought him a clearly inferior Batman costume, and after realizing ($21 too late, of course) that it wasn't the actual costume but the fact that he really doesn't care for costumes but once he realized he'd get CANDY if he dressed up in the stupid freaking costume he'd do it WILLINGLY....well, after all that, a happy Halloween was had by all. He was a little overwhelmed by all the excitement, and at one point actually wandered into someone's back yard, but overall, very good. We only went around one block, but it was plenty for all of us, even Maggie, the fairy princess, whom we went with. Lydia refused to ride in the wagon after this picture was taken, and she was a very unhappy ladybug when I tried to I said, a block was plenty! Even better, the next day he seemed to forget about the candy, and/or only was interested in the suckers. yipee!
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