Well, September has brought with it some subtle and not so subtle changes to our lives. Simon turned three months on September 6th, and as I was taking the picture, I was struck by how absolutely CHUBBY that boy has gotten! Whew! I think he's around 15lb now. His doctor says he doesn't look like a pre-term baby, which is a good thing. He grins all the time, mostly at us, but sometimes at inanimate objects! He looks so strikingly like Isaac did at this age that I'm constantly getting hit with waves of deja-vu.
Isaac started preschool this last week. He seems to be enjoying it, although he doesn't talk much about it. I try to get him to, but he offers very little info....sort of like his dad! His teachers have confirmed some behavioral issues that Terry and I have wondered about for a while. They lent us the book "The Out-of-Sync Child" which is about Sensory Integration Dysfunction/Sensory Processing Disorder. It really describes a lot of the struggles we've had with Isaac, and so we are getting him screened for Special Ed. services through our school district. If he does have SID/SPD then Occupational Therapy is what he needs. Since SID/SPD is basically a neurological "glitch"/immaturity, then OT can completely remedy it, especially at this age. If he qualifies through the district, then the district will pay for OT, which would be great. Also, Isaac is at this moment at an appointment with is dad to get his eyes checked. When they checked his sight at his pediatrician appointment on Wednesday, they suggested we take him to an Optometrist. He could only read three or four rows down.
Since Isaac is at preschool three mornings a week, Lydia is for the first time experiencing time alone, to play with what she wants. The house is amazingly quiet with only one child at play...I'd forgotten! I can't believe she'll be two next Sunday! Amazing.
Simon is nearly sleeping through the night, but seems to be getting caught up at the 5am marker, just like Isaac did. I know I should let him cry, but it's so much easier to nurse him for five minutes, that I haven't mustered up the resolve to do it! Maybe that will be my goal by the end of the month! hehe.
Church programs are up and running again, and us with our new church family this fall. We registered Isaac for AWANA last Wednesday, and so he has his cute little Cubbies vest, book, and book bag.
Suddenly, my baby boy Isaac is now a little boy. It is bittersweet to say the least, and I swing between a bit of sadness and a bit of wonder at how fast the last four years have gone by.
And me, I'm coming out of the three-month-post-baby-haze that has hit me after each baby. It's like I suddenly wake up and want to start doing SOMETHING besides taking care of children. It timed out perfectly with fall, and activities starting up again. We're planning on joining our local YMCA in the next month. We toured the new facility last weekend and it's really a beautiful place, and a pretty reasonalble membership fee. I can't wait to get rid of all this weight I've picked up while having kids.
All in all, we are doing pretty well around here, although I still feel like we are our own three-ring circus at times! That gets better, right?
sounds to me like you are doing awesome. I need to join the local Y too, I gotta get off my duff.
We know a thing or two about therapies and such.:) It seems like there may be some one else in your life that knows some stuff about that too...
K has had some awesome people work with him. I'll be praying that you all can get the best services for Isaac, if needed. It really is so helpful!
Your comment on my blog left me laughing...Yes; I am 'one of those people'. :) All weird and sappy about baby bellies and being pregnant. :)
Simon is getting so big, which fortunately for you means more SLEEP!! :) I remember the post baby fog. That was always the way I described it - like I was in a very thick fog. :) Glad to hear it is lifting for you.
Oh- and the cubbies vest, seriously how cute is it to see that on your child?? I will be posting pictures of K and Jay in theirs soon. Love it!
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