Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Halloween 2009

Now that the hub-bub of Halloween has passed, I thought it might be good to post. Fall is underway here at our house! Two different school schedules for Isaac and Lydia, finishing my master's degree which means I am doing observations two afternoons a week, plus classwork, and the other activities that go with having kids around, plus Terry's school fundraiser, PH Idol, which is taking up three Fridays this fall. Needless to say, time is passing very quickly for me this fall!

After two Halloween parties on two different days, trick or treating was fun and low-stress, which was nice. Terry and his mom took Isaac (who sprinted for twenty minutes) and Simon (in the stroller). I took Lydia and we covered about half the distance, but it was a hoot. After about five houses, Lydia realized that she was the only one who's mom was walking her to the doors. She then instructed me, "You stay here, Momma! I'll go by myself." And she wouldn't let me hold her hand, either. Apparently, she got my independent streak. Should be interesting as she gets older.

I'm very much looking forward to Thanksgiving week, as we'll be at my parents and my dad is going to help me re-finish and fix our dining room table, which has some issues. And by that time I'll be done with observations, which means just a little less touring of our county, which will be VERY nice! Really, I'm just looking forward to a little less craziness in our week.
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